Good Friday: A Day to Celebrate

Today is Good Friday. Why are we celebrating today? Good Friday is a Christian holiday honoring the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary. Then HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD THREE DAYS LATER. HE LIVES. HE LIVES FOR US. How are we living for Him?

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Why wash feet?

Everyone's definition of "washing feet" is going to be different. I really explain that here. But even though your actions may be different, that doesn't mean this statement doesn't ring true for everyone. "It's hard to throw stones if you're busy washing feet." Refer back to the story of Jesus Christ in John 8: 3-11.

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Am I Spiritual?

We all have different definitions of "spirit". But most people have a higher spirit they refer to. To some it might mean the Universe, God, Jesus Christ, Mother Earth, Multiple Gods, and so on. What's you higher spirit that you refer to? For me, I refer and heavily lean on Jesus Christ. He is my best friend, but does that make me spiritual? I think so. I would like to think I am spiritual.

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Can I let you back in my life?

Well folks, I struggle with this. As mentioned in my other blog post "Can you still have compassion with boundaries?". When can you "trust" that someone has truly changed? If history has taught us anything, we have to remember the past to avoid similar mistakes. On the other hand, can we "forget" the past and let someone show up as a better person? I think we can, but it's complicated. As you have probably heard before, there is a saying that Jesus "forgives and forgets".

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The world destroyed your inner God

Why do you think God gave us a body? He did not make us all the same. Bodies are VERY different. He made us all so different, actually 9 types of different people. I know this might sound freaky to you or like I am going to next show you a crystal that has power…but you’re wrong. Instead, I am trying to show you the image of God inside of you that has been layered over environment, worldly culture, and other things that have destroyed that image. Those things have changed how you view others, your perspective, and more. Don't get me wrong, it is easy to let the environment of this world destroy that inner image of God inside of all of us because it is buried by so much. It is buried by culture expectations and even coping mechanisms we adapted from trauma. It makes it really hard to "find" again. Do you sometimes feel like you're lost? You're not sure who you are? I think it is time to find your inner image of God.

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Quitting. When is the right time?

I honestly can't answer that for you. So if you came to read this blog post because you want to be reassured that you're doing what is "right" whether you are staying in something or choosing to quit it. I can't tell you, I am sorry. Quitting is a word that has 9 different definitions, but then you add the *NURTURE that we all go through and 39,402 more definitions appear.

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