Be Still and.... Breathe.

Published on 21 November 2022 at 14:02

As I am sure you have heard the scripture before:

Psalm 46:10 

"Be still and know that I am God." 

I am not changing that whatsoever, I am just adding what I think is needed for the season.

I really love the scripture, because regardless of all the knowledge you can consume and all the change happening in this world - God never changes. You can always "Be still" and know God is there for you.

This morning I was listening to the best podcast, it is called "Her Portion" and it is a quick listen as you grow closer to God! In the episode I was listening to this morning, I was stricken by the AMAZING sprit of God that I felt. Jackie - a member of the podcast - was talking about being content and just trusting in God's plan for you. She was talking about "being still" and RESTING– just being grateful for what you have right now. I loved this. It was just what I needed to hear.

Right now, especially during the holiday season, we are constantly running around trying to make the holiday "special" with great gifts, the best decor, and sharing the spirit of the season... so my question for you is - do you feel contentment during this time? Probably not... I know I don't. Instead, I stress about finding gifts, I wish I had a bigger house, I wish I had better Christmas decor, and I want everyone to be happy. But is that truly the spirit of the season? No it is not. Instead, this year I want to BE STILL.. and breathe. I want to spend my holiday thanking God for everything  I HAVE, the people in my life, and the fact that I know He hears my prayers and answers them in His time. I am going to PAUSE and actually enjoy the blessings in my life, and thank God for them, and thank Him for my Savior. That is the true spirit of Christmas, I believe. How can we be more like Christ?


With blessings,



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