Am I Spiritual?

Published on 22 January 2023 at 17:26

We all have different definitions of "spirit". But most people have a higher spirit they refer to. To some it might mean the Universe, God, Jesus Christ, Mother Earth, Multiple Gods, and so on. What's you higher spirit that you refer to? For me, I refer and heavily lean on Jesus Christ. He is my best friend, but does that make me spiritual? I think so. I would like to think I am spiritual.

One thing we should all remember is... EACH PERSON HAS THEIR OWN DEFINITION OF BEING "SPIRITUAL". There is not a "one-size-fits-all" version of spirituality. I think it is between you and your higher power, whatever or whoever that may be.

Being a member of religion does not make you spiritual. Read that again. I believe it makes you a great rule-follower. Until you decide FOR YOURSELF that you don't want to do certain things (take birth control, drink alcohol, eat pork, or use tarot cards, etc) because your relationship with your higher power is more important and you've been advised not to do those things due to that relationship. I believe that action, and daily thought about that relationship makes you spiritual. If you're just doing it because your leaders will "judge you" or you will not be "worthy" in the eyes of your community, then you are not spiritual although you do follow rules well.

Think of it this way, in a great friendship your best friend always seems to know your weaknesses and strengths, as well as your likes and passions. That is because of conversation and experiences shared together, a bond is built overtime. That same bond can be built with your higher power, a spiritual bond. I have always been a strong believer in the power of prayer and having conversations with God. I do it OUTSIDE of any church or religion gathering, I do it during doing dishes, driving my car, or even watching TV. This spiritual bond has carried me through life as my "boat" has been rocked by waves and the darkness this world inhibits. My religion didn't carry me, my relationship with Jesus Christ did.

I am not being negative about religions here. I do believe that you can be spiritual and religious at the same time, religion is a great way to find a community who has similar views and goals as you do. But just because you're in a religion, that doesn't make you spiritual, and vice-versa, you can be spiritual and not part of a religion.

So my question for you is....what's your definition of spirituality? Are you spiritual?


With love,


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