Quitting. When is the right time?

Published on 5 September 2022 at 15:05

I honestly can't answer that for you. So if you came to read this blog post because you want to be reassured that you're doing what is "right" whether you are staying in something or choosing to quit it. I can't tell you, I am sorry. Quitting is a word that has 9 different definitions, but then you add the *NURTURE that we all go through and 39,402 more definitions appear.

Everyone quits for reasons that may seem really stupid to the next person. *Your nurture is how you were raised (the culture expectations, parental discipline, etc). 

It takes me a very long time to quit something. Mainly because I try to understand everyone's definitions of "quit" and I never want to disappoint someone else. I never quit. I just endure. Because of this, I have endured through some really TOXIC situations and learned some extremely hard lessons. Were they worth it? Yeah, learning the lessons was worth it. I needed to learn those. But was it worth it to go through those toxic situations? Hell. No. I wish I could've avoided those. After looking back at all the situations where I actually should've quit, I have learned how to handle things in the future.

I quit A LOT of things now.


I believe that quitting comes down to THREE QUESTIONS you have to ask yourself:

1) Is this in God's plan for me?
2) Do I need to learn these lessons?
3) Am I comfortable with energy right now? 


I got the best piece of advice recently - trust your instincts, trust your gut. If the "energy" feels uncomfortable and off, then it is time to get out. Don't expose yourself to that.

I truly believe that God will let you know when the energy is off, and it is not something in His plan. Trust that.

So is the right time to quit? I don't know for you, but I know that I would be asking myself those questions.

With blessings,


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