The world destroyed your inner God

Published on 1 November 2022 at 11:20

Why do you think God gave us a body? He did not make us all the same. Bodies are VERY different. He made us all so different, actually 9 types of different people. I know this might sound freaky to you or like I am going to next show you a crystal that has power…but you’re wrong. Instead, I am trying to show you the image of God inside of you that has been layered over environment, worldly culture, and other things that have destroyed that image. Those things have changed how you view others, your perspective, and more. Don't get me wrong, it is easy to let the environment of this world destroy that inner image of God inside of all of us because it is buried by so much. It is buried by culture expectations and even coping mechanisms we adapted from trauma. It makes it really hard to "find" again. Do you sometimes feel like you're lost? You're not sure who you are? I think it is time to find your inner image of God.

Learning my Natural Number was life-changing for me. It helped me find my inner image of God. It helps you learn how He made you, to come to this earth and fight the battles that you face every day. You have so many natural talents that you bring to every situation, but in my experience, the world has encouraged you to hide those things about yourself. You are not good enough, not matter what you do. Do you think God believes that? I don't.

I want you to come back to your nature of God. I want you to dive deep underneath all those layers of environment, obligations, and cultural expectations, and find how God made you. Then you look around yourself, and the other children of God, and you can realize that God made them different than you… but He made them a certain way. They see things differently than you, they serve differently than you, they pray differently, and that is how God intended. They are also children of God.

Learn your Natural Number, and learn how God made you.

With blessings,


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